• +44 778 647 0791
  • ghanaunionmidland@hotmail.co.uk
  • C/O 101 Woodside Avenue South Coventry


Membership of GUM, the regional umbrella body for Ghanaian groups in the Midlands region, is open to any Ghanaian related group in the region that is properly constituted or working towards it, and wishing to join the regional umbrella body to further its mission, goals, and objectives. We have created an associate membership class for non- Ghanaian groups who also share our mission and goals. We hope this class of membership will help us to build community networks that strengthen our relationships with other groups to improve community cohesion and build a stronger community. 

Benefits of GUM Membership

Groups becoming a member of GUM, the regional umbrella body, will gain the following benefits:

  1. Information exchange and sharing 
  2. Joint working and collaboration
  3. Voice and influence
  4. Capacity building/ training of leaders and key volunteers
  5. Resources sharing
  6. Social Policy


If your group is interested in joining GUM and becoming a member of the regional umbrella body, please download and complete the membership application form and submit it.